The primary activities, services, or product the organization provides includes:
Development of Village Community Bank (VICOBA)
- Awareness raising, mobilization & establishment of VICOBA groups
- Training principles of VICOBA, leadership, financial management & entrepreneurship
- Facilitating constitution writing & registration of VICOBA groups & linking them with financial institutions
Sunflower Farming & Marketing
- Training groups on sunflower cultivation, processing & packaging;
- Provision of seeds to charcoal selling women & white gravel excavation casual laborers;
- Provision of sunflower processing machine to the target group;
- Training women groups in book keeping & financial management;
Community Natural Resource Management& Eco-Tourism
- Facilitating formation of village by-laws in support of land use & natural resource management plans;
- Supporting & advising villages to ensure fair contracts & agreements with investors for contract farming;
- Facilitation of village Eco-tourism as a means of livelihood;
- Building community capacity in identification, protection & usage of indigenous flora & other natural resources;
Dairy Goat Farming
- Provision of dairy goats to women working as white gravel casual laborers on revolving basis;
- Training women on dairy goat husbandry;
- Project monitoring to ensure there are returns of offspringsfor provision to other group members;
Maasai Beads Jewelry&Handicrafts
- Marketing women groups’ products;
- Creating linkages with consumers;
- Building a centre for Maasai beads for production, demonstration & sale;
Sewing & embroidery training:
- Training girls & women in sewing & embroidery;
- Provision of sewing & embroidery machines;
- Capacity buildingof the producers in enterprise management;
- Marketing support to the groups;
Biodiversity promotion & conservation
- Establishment of tree seedlings nursery;
- Building awareness on biodiversity conservation;
- Provision of seedlings to primary & secondary schools;
- Formation of environment clubs in targeted schools;
Soil conservation & land reclamation
- Promotion of conservation agriculture;
- Training communities on making farm contours;
- Planting fodder grass on farm contours;
- Raising awareness on Farming God’s Way (FGW);(conservation agriculture)
- Training community on Farming God’s Way; (conservation agriculture)
- Establishment of demonstration plots of conservation agriculture;
- Sensitize the community to plant high yielding seeds;
- Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC)
- Screening & identification of the most venerable;
- Provision of scholastic materials;
- Rainwater harvesting at school roof to provide safe drinking water;
- Awareness generation on family planning;
- Advocacy on inclusive development planning &programmes to benefit HIV positive people;
- Networking with other development stakeholders on development issues;